DKM wrote: "I used the free version of SuperDuper to clone my OS,..." SD gets my vote too. I was new to a Mac a year ago & my G4 only had a 20Gig Drive. After 20 years w/M$ it was never this smooth. I first slid the contents of the original disc to a new 120Gig drive, left it in place and then 'switched' to boot to that disc. Bingo! I've since done the same w/another disc (eliminated the original 20Gig drive). Same routine...Clone, change the SysPref to boot to the 'new drive' (leaving the newly 'cloned drive' on the cable it was formatted/cloned upon) I booted to the new disc & I now have two discs which will boot. SD allows for options I haven't even explored, but I was clueless and it has 'cloned' with ease. BTW, it takes care of 'formatting/partitioning' and does a thorough 'check'.... Michael