IÕve been told that a simple boost in processor speed can make a big difference in over all performance - so if one could find the native solution that was designed for a QuickSilver - say a upgrade to a single 933 GB or even a dual 1.0 GB - that would make a noticeable difference in over all performance for around $200.00 or so. Plus you get to see your QuickSilver reach a new level in itÕs potential performance - given that you have most likely maxÕed out itÕs memory ram already But if your going for the maximum chip - well I would most like get a max'ed out Min or go for a max'ed out 24Ó iMac and the hell with the money - it's only money! Bottom line itÕs a hard choose! Rich Houston and yes there are a lot of us "Rich & Ricks out here... ============================================ --- Richard Klein <rich at richardklein.org> wrote: > Richard Northouse wrote: > > > > So what is the best deal -- upgrade or minimac? > > I'm sure the mini-mac is the better deal, but, > personally, I'd find it > more satisfying to upgrade the QS, to help it reach > it's potential. :) > > Anyway, the logical side of me says you should get > the mini-mac. > > -- > Rich > this list sure has a lot of Rich's! > _______________________________________________ > G4 mailing list > G4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com > http://listserver.themacintoshguy.com/mailman/listinfo/g4 > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage > Mac and random stuff: > http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZmacguy1984 >