[G4] upgrade and hardware issue v2.0

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Sun Apr 8 18:15:50 PDT 2007

On 04/08/07, "Erin Anon" <nire01 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>you might want to repost the problem again. I've dumped all
>>previous messages
> Ok, thank you.  Follows is the edited version of the original post:
> I have a PowerMac G4 (AGP Graphics) with 400MHz processor and 1gb of ram and
> I'm having a few issues.
> First is an upgrade issue:
> It currently has 10.3.9 on it, and I've gotten two different upgrade dvd's
> from two different people for 10.4 but I keep having the same problem. Now,
> the only reason I'm upgrading to 10.4 is because someone said that I would
> like widgets and they just randomly gave me the disk.  I was happy to stay
> at 10.3.9 since it works flawlessly, but now the fact that I cant upgrade is
> really bothering me.

You can't upgrade using DVDs from someone else; they're probably upgrade DVDs
for their machine and, BTW, it's illegal. You need to purchase the full, retail

Can't answer the second query WRT ethernet nic, but it sounds like a hardware
problem on your end.

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