[G4] Re: Upgrade dilemma(s0

Loren Smedberg lorensmedberg at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 11 17:46:40 PDT 2007

1.42Ghz Mac Mini, 512MB Ram, 80GB HD - $300 - Craigs List (Seattle)

>From: Slip Kid <G-2 at att.net>
>Reply-To: "A place to discuss Apple's G4 computers." 
><g4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
>To: g4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
>Subject: [G4] Re: Upgrade dilemma(s0
>Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 16:11:29 -0400
>That seems to be a $300 fix at least...not over $400?
>To refresh: I've got a Power Mac G4 GE 400 MHz,  L2 Cache 1 MB. 100 If I 
>invest $300+ in the G4? I will probably 'solve' my weaknesses (inability to 
>manipulate A/V is the main concern).
>But? For $200 'more' (the Mini @ around $600) I can keep this machine (It's 
>not 'bad'!) & it has 240Gig of storage (nearly new

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