Hi there! :] Actually i've got another PowerMac G4, and i'm making some experiences with Xgrid.. Someone can talk me if is possible make itunes, or netbeans (for example) run on a grid? My server is a PM G4 400Mhz, and the Agent is a PM G4 500Mhz. server was configured using XGrid Lite and Server Admin Tools Aparently, everything its ok, but when i run, e.g., xgrid -job run /Application/Chess.app/Contents/MacOS/Chess , it returns a lots of errors, and says that is not possible select a window server, and exits, it happens with any program that i try run with XGrid... If someone can share experiences with me, i'll be grateful. Thanks a lot Francisco Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento! http://br.mail.yahoo.com/