I actually started the DVR thread, and then asked about browsers, keeping the same "re:" subject header. Anyway, I've been heeding the browser discussion, and I've downloaded both Opera and Camino to test out. I'm finding Safari to be very sloooow. How much memory should I give it? Do you allocate memory in OSX? I'm still a newbie to OSX, and I'll probably hold off till spring to upgrade from what I have, which is 10.2.8. I've spent all my $$ on the internal 250 gig hard drive, adapter card, and yes (John), I did get an external firewire drive too. Do I have to partition it to put both 9.2.2 and 10 on it? I've already backed up a bunch of stuff on it and don't want to initialize it if I don't have to. It's HFS extended. I probably should get some more memory, as I have 768: two 128s and a 512. Can my machine use more than a gig? (dual G4, gig ethernet model?) I have one slot open. What's the memory max on this machine with X? Lastly, my DVD superdrive. When I use the eject key on the keyboard, the tray slides out and stays, I can take the disk out and put another in. But the old disk image stays on the desktop, if I click on it it disappears, but the new one doesn't mount. If I drag the disk to the trash to eject it works as it should. I can live with this, but find it a little odd. margaret