[G4] Large Hard Drive Install

Philip J Robar philip.robar at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 17:29:23 PST 2007

On Jan 10, 2007, at 5:12 PM, R. Shane Boughton wrote:

> I have a Maxtor ATA/100 internal hard drive, 200 GB. My G4 450 only  
> reads it as 32 GB. I installed a PCI host adapter card but it still  
> only reads as 32 GB.
> The Maxtor drive box says that I will need an ATA PCI card with 48- 
> bit BIOS support. The card I bought is
> only a 32-bit (card info here - http://www.macsense.com/product/ 
> storage/sua-100e_b.html). Could that be the problem?

The URL you give above says that the card is 48 bit. Even if it were  
only 32 bit you'd still be able to get a 128 GB partition from the  
drive. Have you looked at the drive in Disk Utility? If so did you  
partition and format it for use with OS X (as opposed to Windows)?

"The United States is putting together a Constitution now for Iraq.  
Why don't we just give them ours? It's served us well for 200 years,  
and we don't appear to be using it anymore, so what the hell?"
--Jay Leno

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