At 13:53 -0700 on 07/21/2007, Mike Lemos wrote about Re: [G4] G4 won't read OS X upgrade CDs: >Hi robert, > >Thank you for your reply and the information provided. I have >actually tried these suggestions and the disk does show up as >bootable in the system preferences and I select it, restart and the >computer does the mac "chime" after which it ejects the disk. When I >try holding down the option key the DVD does not list. I also have >tried holding down the "C" key and the disk simply ejects although I >have had one other occurrence when doing this and that is it starts >up in OS 9 with desktop messages appearing that state that since I >have started up from the DVD certain functions will not be available. >So after all this I was able to speak with tech support from the >people I purchased the disk from and their feelings are that the DVD >is a bad disk and they are going to replace it. (YAY!) >So we'll see once I receive the new disk if my problem is solved. If >you would like, once I do (or if) I'll update you so that you can be >informed as to what ended up solving this issue. Let me know. > >Once again, I thank you for your help. >Best. >Mike Lemos Yes please keep me updated. As you guessed I like to know the outcome of my attempts to help <g>. BTW: Failure to show up in the option-key list implies that the disk has no System folder and is thus not bootable. You can check by just mounting and opening the DVD.