[G4] OSX Mail App!

Thomas J. Fobia tom578 at rochester.rr.com
Wed Jun 6 07:28:34 PDT 2007

Hello All, I have just lost my Netscape 7.2 that I was using for my  
email! I have decided to switch to the OSX mail application and  
managed to get my main email up and running! I have two other email  
"Names" on the same server on my road runner account and Im having  
trouble getting them set up! They are all "POP" addresses and when I  
want to add a second address It says I already have a POP address. I  
tried "POP account2" but that didn't work either! Am I missing  
something here? Netscape was easier to add an account, why is this  
apple app more difficult?

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