[G4] Re: G4 upgrade problem, can't boot into 10.4

Margaret Krakowiak imago at bellsouth.net
Thu May 17 15:39:24 PDT 2007


  By clean install, do you mean erase the volume that
I had done the installation on? I have my drive partitioned
into 4 volumes (I know I don't need to, but I prefer it that way).
I have 9.2.2 on one volume, and can boot from that with no problem.
I had put 10.2.8 on another volume/partition, and could boot from
that also, which is why I can't see disconnecting my other 2 drives
to try and get it to boot into 10.4 now - I'm not saying that might not work,
as Harry suggested, but I'd hate to have to keep disconnecting drives
just to boot into a particular one. I've tried reinstalling once with no luck,
I repaired the drive with disk utility, though it didn't need it.
Now, if I have to erase the volume (and can I erase the one volume, without
having to erase the whole disk? Or am I confusing volumes and partitions?)
I will, to do a clean install. There was one thing that I hadn't paid attention to
in the readme stuff - I did have an external FW drive and my USB printer on
board - could that have caused a problem with the install? I think someone
may have mentioned this potential. Would that mean my USB hub also? Please
say no, though if I *have* to unplug it I will...


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