[G4] Re: G4 upgrade problem, can't boot into 10.4

Steve Adams adamss99 at bellsouth.net
Thu May 17 20:35:11 PDT 2007

This might be off track but wasn't there a firmware upgrade that had  
to be performed with one of OS X versions? I tried looking though  
Apple's website but got lost in all the updates. I don't remember if  
the firmware update was for 10.2 or 10.3.

Maybe that is all you need. Maybe some one else remembers which  
version needed the firmware upgrade.

Steve Adams

On May 17, 2007, at 6:39 PM, Margaret Krakowiak wrote:

> Patrick,
>   By clean install, do you mean erase the volume that
> I had done the installation on? I have my drive partitioned
> into 4 volumes (I know I don't need to, but I prefer it that way).
> I have 9.2.2 on one volume, and can boot from that with no problem.
> I had put 10.2.8 on another volume/partition, and could boot from
> that also, which is why I can't see disconnecting my other 2 drives
> to try and get it to boot into 10.4 now - I'm not saying that might  
> not work,
> as Harry suggested, but I'd hate to have to keep disconnecting drives
> just to boot into a particular one. I've tried reinstalling once  
> with no luck,
> I repaired the drive with disk utility, though it didn't need it.
> Now, if I have to erase the volume (and can I erase the one volume,  
> without
> having to erase the whole disk? Or am I confusing volumes and  
> partitions?)
> I will, to do a clean install. There was one thing that I hadn't  
> paid attention to
> in the readme stuff - I did have an external FW drive and my USB  
> printer on
> board - could that have caused a problem with the install? I think  
> someone
> may have mentioned this potential. Would that mean my USB hub also?  
> Please
> say no, though if I *have* to unplug it I will...
> margaret
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