[G4] PCI SCSI Card Information : Was Power Mac Hard Drive Installation...

jonny g4 at salemoregon.com
Wed Oct 10 20:58:47 PDT 2007

Reposting this with a different Subject so it doesn't get missed by 
those with an interest in G4 SCSI.

I'm a little late on this thread...but have something to report that 
may or may not be useful.

I have a G4 MDD 1.25 dual with an Adpatec SCSI PCI card Model 2906. 
It runs perfectly using OSX 3.9.  and 9.2.2.  It came with a CD & 
software for Power Mac.  It did not specify OS version.  I have the 
box if you want to know more.

I purchased the PCI Card for a G4 450, so it's probably about 8 years 
old.  It worked fine on that machine.

The Card has an internal connection, I suppose to support an internal 
SCSI HD.  I never used it.

When I want to use a SCSI HD with my MDD, I shut down, then power-up 
the SCSI HD, then power on the mac.  The SCSI drive is recognized 
immediately on the desktop.  In OS 9.2.2 I use the same procedure, 
but need to use SCSI Probe to mount the Drive(s).  Be sure the drive 
is terminated and (each) has a unique ID.

Hope this doesn't confuse the issue.


**  Also possibly of interest to some, but vastly obscure, I am using 
the SCSI HD to move data processed on an old Apple 540 C laptop 
running OS 7.5.  I need to use that OS to run an image application 
(kodak) only available on that machine.  I fiddled around.  When I 
first tried to connect a SCSI drive with the laptop (a special 
adapter is necessary), I used an old 4 GB SCSI drive.  It wasn't 

As I had been previously advised by the LIST that OS 9.2.2 will not 
recognize a drive over 128 GB.  I applied that logic to the laptop 
running 7.5 and used a 540 MB SCSI drive.  It automatically mounted & 
worked.  I do not know what the upper size limit is, I just went with 
the smallest SCSI drive I had.


>Hi Eric, I tend to agree with you that (It would be cheaper and 
>faster for Cecil to buy a new ATA driveand write the SCSI up to 
>experience.) I may do just that.  I may even  search ebay for one ot 
>those hard drive enclouser and convert the drive to an external USB 
>drive.  By the way, I did contact the seller twice but got no 
>response. Appreciate your response.
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