Hello LIST. I want to put OS 9.2.2 on a second internal hard drive on my 1.25 GHz dual MDD. I have the MDD's original 'Software Restore' disks. The goal is to be able to boot to the second drive in 9.2 and use my legacy software from there. I had it set up like this before migrating to this machine from a G4 - 450. I now know that the version of 9.2 from the G4 450 machine is not compatible with the MDD. Here is where I am in the process: * Second HD is formatted and has contents of G4 450 on it. * OLD System 9.2 Folder from the G4 450 is Backed Up & set aside. I have attempted to install 9.2.2 from the MDD's 'Software Restore' disks, to the second HD. It was not allowed. The message appeared to be that I need to install OSX on that drive first, boot to it, THEN install OS 9.2.2. Before I plunge into this, is anyone with MDD experience able to confim the procedure of getting OS 9.2.2 properly installed on that drive, and perhaps alert me to pitfalls that might be encountered? Thank you for your continued assistance. Jonny