You might try taking the drive out of the laCie box and putting it in another external enclosure. LaCie is notorious for bad bridge chips and they won't sell you a new chip or replace the drive if out of warranty. I suggest going to the Weibetech site >Thanks for all the links. I just got home from work and will read >them as soon as I can. >I tried to hooking a Dazzle DV Bridge that was hooked to my sony cam >corder to both firewire ports last night, and it didn't work. I also >tried hooking that LaCie HD to my PC using the USB port in the back >of the LaCie, and I saw nothing pop up on my mac. I have never tried >to use that port before, so I don't know if it ever worked before. >Everything else seems to work on my USB ports printer, scanner. > -- Have a Happy and Enjoy Richard E. Meyeroff Meyeroff Computer Consultants 410-258-7503 Richard at Member Apple Consultants Network ACHDS The Answer to your Computer Questions & Needs