[G4] Re: Lost LaCie external HD and more

Richard Meyeroff rem at meyeroff-c-c.com
Tue Sep 25 04:28:25 PDT 2007

You might try taking the drive out of the laCie box and putting it in 
another external enclosure.  LaCie is notorious for bad bridge chips 
and they won't sell you a new chip or replace the drive if out of 
warranty. I suggest going to the Weibetech site


>Thanks for all the links. I just got home from work and will read 
>them as soon as I can.
>I tried to hooking a Dazzle DV Bridge that was hooked to my sony cam 
>corder to both firewire ports last night, and it didn't work. I also 
>tried hooking that LaCie HD to my PC using the USB port in the back 
>of the LaCie, and I saw nothing pop up on my mac. I have never tried 
>to use that port before, so I don't know if it ever worked before. 
>Everything else seems to work on my USB ports printer, scanner.

Have a Happy and Enjoy

Richard E. Meyeroff
Meyeroff Computer Consultants
Richard at Meyeroff-C-C.com
Member  Apple Consultants Network  ACHDS

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