On 27 Apr, 2008, at 8:21 PM, Christina Samuels wrote: > It's definitely not "bonging." If it is NOT "bonging", what sound is it making (if any)? The start-up sound can give an indication of what sort of problem you have. This is specially so if the problem involves RAM. Also, you didn't (that I recall) indicate how much RAM is installed. Remove it and look for a label indicating how much RAM is on the module. In order to run any version of OS-X, you should consider at least 256Mb as a start and put in as much as you can afford without having to break open the piggy bank. I don't have any Mac running OS-X with less than 768Mb RAM (currently 1 MacBookPro, 1 G4 PowerBook, 1 G3 PowerBook, 1 PowerPC G5, 1 G4 MDD, 1 G4 Gbit Ethernet, 1 G4 eMac, 1 G4 AGP, and 1 G3 Beige DT[this is the one with only 768Mb). The more RAM, the better!!!!!