I am on a Quick Silver Mac (733 MHz PowerPC G4) with 1.25 GB SDRAM running OSX 10.4.11. I have recently come across a problem, I am the Administrator for computer and as photographer I calibrate my Apple Studio Display using EyeOne. The problem is that I recently added another User (User 2) and I can not calibrate the screen when signed in as User 2. the only choices I have are Apple Studio Display or Generic RGB Profile and if I attempt to calibrate my monitor I get the message “The factory profile for the display could not be found.” when I switch back to my normal user name (the Administrator user) the only profile available to me as Administrator are Apple Studio Display or Generic RGB Profile until I re-start my computer and then I am returned to my calibrated screen. What is happening or what am I doing wrong??? davis a. gaffga • photographer p.o. box 750 southampton, ny 11969-0750 www.davisgaffga.com