[G4] upgrade or buy new mac?

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Wed Jan 30 15:03:48 PST 2008

Buy a base 8 core Penryn Mac Pro. Under $3k mail order. Will Blow Your  

I can tell this thread is for luddites only. But the new 8 core Mac  
Pro is worth it. Everything else is history including the MacBook you  
just bought your wife.

On Jan 30, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Brad Russell wrote:

> Just bought my wife a new Macbook so of course we are now feeling  
> the need to upgrade or replace the desktop.
> Right now I have a DP500 with 2 gigs of ram an ATI 9200 video card  
> pushing to 20" LCDs and it is running Tiger.  What I would like is a  
> machine that doesn't seem quite so sluggish while scrolling through  
> my e-mail,  run the latest iphoto  and office.  I would be nice to  
> run Leopard (is it required for the new iphoto?)  I've thought about  
> a mini but I want to keep the dual monitors.  So do I try a  
> processor and video card upgrade? ( I need a new video card in the  
> DP450 in the basement so it could take the 9200) or do a go with a  
> whole new box?  Of course I'd like to keep things a cheap as  
> possible but I'm not sure if I'd be better continuing to soup up the  
> old girl or go for something with a faster bus.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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