Yesterday, I picked up three sticks of 512MB PC-133 RAM to max out my Digital Audio from a local computer repair guy. I took a G3 iMac with OS9.2.2 with me as a portable memory tester, and that system successfully recognized all three sticks. But when I installed them in my G4 Digital Audio, one stick prevents the system from booting past the post chime - but only when it's installed in the RAM socket right next to the first PCI slot. If I install in on the third slot, all three work fine. I'm a graduate EE with thirty five years of electronics experience, and I've dealt with a lot of funny stuff. But this one's got me puzzled. I'm not worried as long as the system works, but curious. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be happening? Is it a capacitive loading issue, something in the mobo, or ??? Thanks for any enlightenment you might provide! - Michael B. in Cincinnati