You are right. In fact, a 100 MHz bus should work at speeds upwards of 250-300 MHz or you're going to have problems at 100 MHz. The speed is a hardware issue dealing with handshaking between processor, memory chips, and peripheral chips on the same bus. The bus will work no faster than the slowest device on the bus. The speed is generally limited by the processor or the memory chips. A PC133 RAM on a 100 MHz is a good thing because the data will be ready on the bus faster, with less chances of an error by the time the processor is ready to read the data. Steve Adams On May 14, 2008, at 9:32 PM, C D T wrote: > Someone please nail me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the bus speed > is the limiting factor. Even in a machine that has a faster bus > speed and can use faster memory, the machine can only work at the > speed of the slowest memory module installed. That is why you > usually don't mix speeds. PC133 is generally backward compatible > and will function in PC100 spec'd computers - but at the slower speed. > > Dan > > > On May 14, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Harry Freeman wrote: > >> Greeting Eric, >> >> Should work, however the PC133 RAM will run at the same speed as >> PC100 RAM because PC100 RAM is the fastest RAM that the buss can use. >> ---------------------------------------------------- >> >> On May 14, 2008, at 4:20 PM, Eric Buczynski wrote: >> >>> Hey all. I checked my archived list of emails regarding this but I >>> couldn't find the answer to this. I just bought a G4 Sawtooth for >>> my bud who is fairly new to computers. I have leftover RAM from my >>> G4 Digital Audio that uses PC133 RAM, while the Sawtooth uses >>> PC100 RAM. Would adding the PC133 RAM in the Sawtooth cause any >>> problems at all? I appreciate your help. >>> >>> Eric Buczynski >>> _______________________________________________ >>> G4 mailing list >>> G4 at >>> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> G4 mailing list >> G4 at >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > G4 mailing list > G4 at >