Thank you for the replies, Luke and Harry. The default ATA controller in the G4 is fine. I'm using Leopard, latest version. I got the card at NewEgg. I did not download the latest drivers, though. But now I will. As to why I'm not using the default controller: I want to use 5 hard drives in the machine, and I learned the hard way that although it may appear so to a newbie at this (like me), it is not possible physically to fit more than 4 drives in the bottom drive bays. I purchased additional dual drive brackets, but: (1) there is not enough vertical space to fit 2 drives in Position 1 (the leftmost position) because the floor there is slightly raised to accommodate some cables running underneath the drive bay, (2) there is enough vertical space to fit 2 drives in Position 2 (the middle position), but the cables and plugs on the motherboard squish into the top drive such that you cannot close the computer back up, and (3) you cannot put 2 full dual drive brackets next to one another in Position 2 and Position 3 (the rightmost position); the top part of the dual drive bracket is too wide. So if I want 5 drives in the machine, I need to use the Zip drive space. Yes, it is slower if I use the IDE connector there (I'm doing this now), but this is not problematic for how I use this machine. To use the default IDE connector (from the default bus), I need to purchase an IDE cable extender, which I have not done yet. If could use the default connector for 2 of the bottom drives and then send one of the Acard cables up to the drive in the ZIp bay, but I'd rather not rely on the Hi-Cap driver more than I have to. The way I have it set up, the Hi-Cap driver is needed really only for the boot drive in the Zip bay. I'm sure there's an easier way-- I welcome any ideas anyone has for a better setup. I need to keep the DVD burner in the machine, but I'd love to fit more drives! I will download the latest drivers on Harry's advice, and then see if I can boot from one of the Acard-connected drives. Thanks so much for the help. I love this list! shopdog