[G4] Correct English Flame War

jonny g4 at salemoregon.com
Mon Feb 23 11:10:53 PST 2009

If a question is important enough to ask, then I believe it's 
important enough to ask in a thoughtful, concise way.

Craft that question so it is most easily addressed, and also 
understood by those of us who may follow the thread so we can learn 
something new.  Slang, texting shorthand, confusing acronyms, typos 
ought to be avoided.  This is about communication, not typing speed 
or ambiguity.

Above all else, understand that some very bright people are giving 
their time & expertise to help those of us who genuinely need it. 
Treat everyone with respect by thoughtfully formulating questions & 

This is a great forum...and I very much appreciate the learned, 
selfless resource.  Thank you!



>On Feb 23, 2009, at 10:05 AM, CDT wrote:
>>On Feb 23, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Robert H. Baucom wrote:
>>>Is this a G4 "Problem and Tech discussion" site or a "Correct 
>>>English" Flame War.
>>>Acting like a bunch of teenagers :-)
>>>The Ole Curmudgeon
>>While I appreciate your desire to keep the G4 list on topic about 
>>G4 computers,  I have to say that it does me some good to see that 
>>there are still at least a few people out there that care about 
>>grammer.  With our education system turning out illiterates in 
>>droves - despite spending more money on it than ever - things like 
>>this give me SOME hope that we are not, as the song says, on the 
>>Eve Of Destruction.
>>Another Old Curmudgeon.
>And here's yet another old curmudgeon who would remind you that the 
>correct spelling of grammar does not include an "e" in place of the 
>second "a". Also, the correct usage is "people ... who" instead of 
>"people ... that". Since we're in a glass house, so to speak, I'll 
>not cast more stones.
>Jim Scott
>G4 mailing list
>G4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com

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