[G4] Correct English Flame [Skirmish]

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Mon Feb 23 19:32:42 PST 2009

On 2/23/09, Robert H. Baucom" <rbtbcm at owc.net> wrote:
> On Feb 23, 2009, at 10:56 AM, keith_w wrote:

>> This is a lot of fun, and educational at the same time!
>> Keep it up ~ there is room for a little deviation from time to time.
>> Especially in the interests of keeping reasonable American English
>> alive and well.
>      If you wish for this dissection of the English Language to go to
> a more academic level, I would suggest that you read "Mighty Fine
> Words and Smashing Expressions: Making Sense
> of Transatlantic English" by Orin Hargraves. I bought it for
> translation of English Slang and found that while covering the
> different meanings between the US and England; it also
> discusses the evolutionary process of the English language's
> dynamics in different countries and racial groups.

And, I'm fond of Strunk & White's "The Elements of Style" and Truss's "Eats,
Shoots and Leaves."

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