Robert H. Baucom wrote: > OK, computer malfunction and jargon forgotten, you've drawn me into this > cyber seminar. > While some of these complaints might be attributed to "Resistance to > Change" ... even they will have to admit to: the English language is a > dynamic (changeable) form of communication. > In my youth it was a tidal wave, now thanks to Television, it became a > Tsunami and it came about overnight. > There are just a few things that cause me to rise to my pulpit; the > major one being the flagrant misuse of the term "Gentleman". > Break it down, Gentle-man. > I see these policeman referring to this violent, murderous cretin as > "This Gentleman." It never fails to raise my hackles. > RHB > Happiness is owning a Macintosh Computer and a Triumph Motorcycle. -- > Robt Baucom I once served on a jury, where this woman, who had been forcibly kidnapped at LAX, while waiting for a cab, and was driven all over town for several hours, suffering groping and such for a long time, finally got to face them in court. The main reason for a hung jury was, as we later explained to the prosecuting attorney, that she had pointed to and identified one of the culprits as "That gentleman over there." I mean, really! Words MEAN things! keith whaley