Is there any reason you haven't upgraded to at least 10.4? It would seem to be a good idea, if practical. I don't KNOW that it's any better at maintaining its file sytems than 10.3, but it might be. I'd consider first doing a full Disk Utilities repair on all partitions it's possible on. The ones that appear grayed out may simply be incomprehensible to Disk Utilities. You should check the types of file systems they contain. At most, you may have to reformat them, which of course will destroy anything they currently contain. Do you have any other repair software you could try? Disk utility has a Mount button that may get some of the partitions onto your desktop, but I'd really try repairing them, first. Then try mounting them, and finally reformat, if all else fails. Tom On Jan 14, 2009, at 10:20 AM, stefan möller wrote: > Hi everyone! > > I have a gigasmart FW400/usb2 external drive that I´m trying to > connect to my G4 with OSX3.9. > > I´ve had it for a while but it´s a long time since I´ve been using > it. This is because my internal drives was over loaded. Now I have > been doing a major clensing and reinstalled OSX 3.9 , so there > should be enough space to make it run. > > I can see in the system profiler that the computer detects it. I can > also see the images of the drive(1main+ 4 partitions) in the disk > utility. > > But.... I can´t see it on desktop nor the sidebar ...I can´t find a > way to open up the disk... > > *I have been checkin both type of connections with same result. > *I remember I nearly maxed it out though I did save a lot of stuff > on it. > *In disk utility I can see the main disk fully but the partitions > are greyed out. > > Could there be an explanation in any of this? > What do I have to do to make it show up in finder or on the desktop? > > best regards > stefan möller > > G4 800 quicksilver (single processor) > OSX 3.9 > > (hope this text is readable) > _______________________________________________ > G4 mailing list > G4 at >