Indeed, if you're lucky enough to have a pre-gigabit G4, you can use an ATX power supply. I did that with a Yosemite G3 once, turned out nicely. In fact, I did that as part of moving the whole thing into an ATX tower. It was nice while it lasted.. I think the overclocked CPU (G4 upgrade, no less) pooped out, and the original G3 chip still resides in a different system. Eric W. Am 31.01.2009 um 20:11 schrieb Mike Bechtold: > Folks, see: > > > G4_AGP_to_ATX_case_pg2.htm > > Apparently, one can modify the cabling from a typical ATX power supply > to fit a G4. More power, and cheaper! > > - Michael B. in Cincinnati