[G4] Booting from external Drive

John Smutko smutt235 at mac.com
Fri Jun 5 05:08:16 PDT 2009

Probably.  If it can't find the indicated HD it will probably "look"  
for one on it's own.

G4 iBook Hard Drive replacements are NOT for the timid.  I'm confident  
enough to swap out an HD on my G4 Mini or just about anything on my  
Sawtooth, but I took one  look at the instructions for the iBook and  
opted to pay a pro to do it.



On May 21, 2009, at 7:12 AM, Dale Hoffman wrote:

> I'm going to install an OS on an external USB drive and use it to  
> boot a friends iBook G4.
> Currently it won't start so I can't choose Startup Disk from  
> Preferences.
> Will his laptop respond to "Option" key at startup for choosing an  
> alternate?
> Also, any trick to replacing a laptop HDD?

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