At 16:41 -0600 11/25/11, Tony Dabney wrote: >I have G4/125GHz and finally figured out where and how to upgrade OS X >10.1 to 10.3.9 and Safari 1.1 automatically upgraded to 1.3 (v312). >I can't log into my bank and netflix says it does not support this >(older) brouser. >I can't seem to figure out what the upgrade path is and how to do it. >Also to upgrede to a newer OS X 10.4 or whatever - is it free or a new >OS X purchase and what Safari would it have included. It's likely to remain serious.. I'm using 10.3.9 so my SE/30 file server can continue to work and that means Safari 1.3.2. 10.4 kills Classic OS file servers by turning off AFP over ethernet. I haven't tried banking on the G4 recently but Google searches have stopped working and that hurts. For about 3 weeks Google has been showing the first search page for a few seconds and then manages to crash Safari. Firefox 2.0.xx is much better and might talk to your bank. Firefox 3 or so running on my Ubuntu box is fine with my bank, credit cards, and broker. -- -->A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.<--