[G4] Creating PDF in PageMaker

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Sun Jul 29 15:39:50 PDT 2012

At 15:09 -0700 7/29/12, John Cappello wrote:
>Can I repair permissions in OS 9.2 or do I have to do it in OSX  10.4,11?   Also how do I create a fresh set of Preferences?  Do I  delite the current preferences for PM first?  Thanks for your help
>On Jul 29, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Alan Kidner wrote:
>>Hi John
>>I trust that you have tried some basic stuff like repairing the  permissions and getting PageMaker to create a fresh set of  preferences for you.
>>Best regards,
>>On 27/07/2012 04:21, John Cappello wrote:
>>>Hi I am having one hell of a problem all of a sudden trying to  create a PDF file from a PageMaker 7 document using OS 9.2 on my PMG4


OS 9 doesn't use permissions the way UNIX in OS 10 does. There is really only one user.

In OS 9 you should be able to use Chooser to select  Acrobat PDFWriter for your selected printer.  After that you just print from whatever application you're using.

It wasn't until OS 10 that Apple made PDF format into something like a standard for its operating system.

If you're using OS 9 in OS neXt's classic mode there might not even be a Chooser. I donno about that. But I do use Chooser and create PDF's under OS 9.1 on this 8500.

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