Hi All,<br>
I'm the proud ower of a somewhat older G4. From reading I gather it's a G4 Yikes!<br>
350Mhz, PCI ATI 128 Rage, horizontal audio ports etc.<br>
I've got some really newbit questions I'm hopig someone can help me with.<br>
1. How do I actually get 'into' the firmware?<br>
I've read by holding down Control (the apple key??)
with Option and "o" and "f" should do it on boot up chime.<br>
This on my machine just seems to be ignored.<br>
2. What other key combinations exist?<br>
3. Is it true that I can only boot off a apple branded rom?<br>
I've got a 24x CD in the G4 , and wish to upgrade to
a DVD. Do I HAVE to get an apple one or will any generic brand
do? AND still let me use a boot disk in it?<br>
4. RAM. The G4 has 256MB of PC100 ram in a 64MB - 128MB - 64MB slots.<br>
Can I place a PC133 stick of 128MB ram in the G4 and have it run at 100Mhz?<br>
Alternatively I could get two 256MB PC133 sticks of ram and just use them.<br>
The question is will the G4 Yikes! let me use PC133 ram?<br>
Appreciate any help with these questions...<br>
Jono Carnie<br>