<DIV>I purchased a Yikes G4 off of ebay. I really wanted a sawtooth, but this was a really good deal, so I took it. Anyways, I received it, and I turned it on and it ran good, for the first three hours. All of a sudden the hard drive started making funny noises. And then BLAH! It was dead. Because of the as is thing, I can't get replacment parts for free, and they charge a lot for a crappy hard drive. I wanted to know what you think would be the best for me to do. Here's the specifications on the yikes. </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>350 Mhz</DIV> <DIV>320 MB Ram</DIV> <DIV>CD Rom Drive</DIV> <DIV>10 GB hard drive(now dead)</DIV> <DIV>it was running 10.0.4 but now I have no operating system, because it all came on the hard drive.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I was looking for hard drives, and I remembered that thing about not getting all of the memory because the yikes has only an Ultra ATA 33 bus (I
think). Then I was thinking that maybe I should upgrade to serial ATA, because it would cost me the same price to buy an IDE as it would to buy the same sized Serial ATA and a 4 port card for it. Then I also came across the problem Of getting an OS. I would like to run Jaguar, but I need a DVD drive to install. What should I do? It would really help if someone could help me out.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>thanks,</DIV> <DIV>Noah</DIV><p> 
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