[G5] Helloooo any life on this planet

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Thu Nov 25 16:29:47 PST 2004

How long is the average waiting time for a G5/2.5?  I'm at 3 months now.

Paul Moortgat

On 25-nov-04, at 18:41, Peter Payne wrote:

>> I have a G5, dual 2.5.  Have enjoyed it.  No problems.  Probably more 
>> machine that what I needed for my purposes, but thats fine.
>> Not too overly thrilled with the wireless mouse.  Gone through my 
>> third set of batteries already.
> I've noticed a problem -- the difference between my 2.5 dualie G5 and 
> my 1.5 ghz Powerbook is growing wider and wider. I like to stay home 
> and work on the 'Book but it's so much slower than the desktop, it's 
> really shocking. So buying a 2.5 ghz G5 may make you dislike your 
> Powerbook...
> It is a nice machine. SMOOTH enginering, perfectly quiet, really a 
> quality job. I am totally satisfied with mine.
> -- 
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