[G5] Does yr G5 have any viruses?

Tim Collier collierof1957 at mac.com
Sat Sep 10 04:20:29 PDT 2005

You can fin MacWarehouse at http://www.macwarehouse.com and I have 4  
Macs and have never had a virus.  Been a Mac user since 2001.

On Sep 10, 2005, at 3:00 AM, Lela Tong wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it really true that there are no viruses on the Apples?  Sorry,  
> I crossed to the darkside and bought a Sony -- and the viruses and  
> other stuff is overwhelming.
> Also, several yrs ago, I used Mac/PCWarehouse -- but they're gone.   
> Any recs outside of MacMall?  My Dad is located in CA.
> Thanks!
> Lela
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Exterminate all rational though.

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