[G5] Odd problems with G5 Tiger 10.4.6

Udo Zumdick wuffty at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 12 01:20:49 PDT 2006

Hi everybody,

since a few days I notice that Tiger 10.4.6 on my G5 dual 2.0 stopped
showing the icons for spotlight, the clock, speaker bluetooth etc. in
the right top corner of the screen. The only icons there are from
stuffit and the desktopmanager. That's it. Everthing else seems to be ok
so far. Unfortunately I realized it the day before yesterday.
I tried to fix it by switching these things off and on again in the
preferences but without any result. And even a first look in the logs
shows nothing special. I am a little bit confused.

I am not shure, if maybe the reason is the 10.4.6 update, but I think
that was more than a few days ago.

Has anyone any similar experiences ?

Thanks in advance !


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