[HM] Re: Digital camera...

Gary Kimes woodwrking at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 5 06:07:42 PST 2002

on 12/5/02 1:08 AM, wappling at wappling at tampabay.rr.com wrote:

> RE; if you mean by real close 1to2 inches and can read the inscriptions
> inside watches? actually yes, that is what my nikon 775 does best
> on 12/4/02 1:22 PM, Michael Winter at michael-winter at uiowa.edu wrote:
>> On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at 11:58  AM, Denise wrote:
>>> By real close shots, I mean photographing jewelry, etc. Something
>>> where you
>>> would need to get closer than, say, two feet to photograph.
>> Just for a frame of reference, with my son's JamCam you can get as
>> close as 4 ft with OK results, but >6 feet is optimal.

Ill piggy back on this.. I really like macro photography.. digital
photography speeds and enhances this process.. the ability to get so close
to a leaf the size of a pea that it is touching the lens and then take a
shot of the bead of water sitting in that leaf..?! fun.. and very worth the
moneys spent.. and THEN to be able to go into photoshop and manipulate the
file into either into a more intense focus for the realistic approach or a
very abstracted artistic statement for another.. well it really is simply
amazing as to the reality of this - and to think that one can do this quite
readily on the used market and have so little invested.. I recently bought a
Mac G3 for $20 that had photoshop on it (that one can easily register).. a
monitor for an additional $20 and one can easily find a quality used camera
for $200-$300.. printers that do relatively nice work are REAL cheap...
another $20.. now -- these are garage sale estate sale prices and not
everyone has the time to invest.. but it really is amazing what one CAN do
in terms of a relatively cheap hobbie.. that is VERY rewarding.

 the Mac system goes to my parents for CHRISTmas so they can recieve email
and have access to this great hobbie and have a great computer too

God Bless

G4/DP-450*896r*2-20g*Que!Fire 241040 Burner* ZIP*OS 9.2.2 &
Jaguar*17"Studio*Epson740_Printer*Epson1640SU_Scanner* Nikon990


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