[HM] G3 information

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Sat Dec 7 22:18:51 PST 2002

--- At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 14:24:48 -0800, Gary Kimes wrote:

>Hello folks
>I bought a used G3 set up recently and want to set it up for my folks..
>I upgraded to a newer 400mz zif and the ROM to REV. 3 so I can add another
>The issue I want to deal with. = scsi vs ata drives..   since getting on
>board the G4  I notice that ATA drives are very unresponsive by comparison
>to my scsi drives in my G3 7500 and since ultra wide scsi ll seems to be
>comng down in $ is this not perhaps the way to go.. ??  anythoughts?
>if not if you know of a good archive to do a search though Id apprc. the
>tip. thank you

I used to believe the way was scsi as well. If you (your folks?) are
really interested in "responsiveness" and you have money to burn
(figuritively speaking), then use scsi. 

Personally I cant believe the price of ata/ide drives. They are less then
$2 a  gigabyte! That $2 to store a billion bytes! From a purely financial
perspective, getting an ide card and a 120+ Gig drive is well worth money.

Just an opinion. :-)


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