[HM] Re: iMac

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Sun Dec 15 17:32:56 PST 2002

--- At Sun, 15 Dec 2002 15:46:47 -0800, Jane Sprando wrote:

>If I wait to buy my iMac, then I will have my SCSI beige G3 and my new USB
>digital camera. What would I need to get to make them talk to each other and
>how much would that be?

If you want to keep the G3 around then getting a firewire/USB card is
pretty useful. Sonnet has the tango card: 2 USB and 2 firewire. List
price is $90. I've seen them cheaper.


>>> But if you wait, the new iMacs shipped in January won't have classic on
>>> them. (If I understand correctly.)
>> Apple just announced that they WILL still ship some computers that can boot
>> into Classic through June.  The wording makes me suspect that they will
>> just continue selling their old models alongside whatever the new ones are.
>> So if you still want to boot into Classic, you probably won't get a better
>> machine by waiting, but at least you won't be out of luck until June.


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