[HM] freeware for X on old Power Macs?

Bruce Klutchko klutch at erols.com
Sat Aug 23 11:10:46 PDT 2003

On 8/23/03 2:32 AM, "Jack Honeycutt" <jhoneycutt at qwest.net> wrote:.
> A buddy told me he thought a shareware or freeware program was out that did
> close to the same thing.  That is, let one run a G3 or G4 processor cards
> in a old Power PC and also install X.
> Jack in Portland Oregon
Check out Other World Computing at www.eshop.macsales.com . They have this
program free, and can also sell you the right card for your machine. They
are reliable, helpful, and not overpriced.

B R U C E  K.

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