[HM] Re: freeware for X on old Power Macs?

ToobaDood jmcclernan2 at comcast.net
Sat Aug 23 22:47:22 PDT 2003

Sorry Duane,
My reply should have gone to the list and not you directly:

The guy who wrote that code is Ryan Rempel. It¹s called XPostFacto. He has
great software. Check out these:





> --- At Fri, 22 Aug 2003 23:32:05 -0700, Jack Honeycutt wrote:
>> I have heard a rumor, and I am hoping someone can point me to a URL...

8/24/03 1:22 AM, "Duane Murphy" <duanemurphy at mac.com> wrote:> What you're
looking for is called XPostFacto. <http://eshop.macsales.com/
> OSXCenter/XPostFacto/>.
> It looks like this link was down when I tried it, but this is where it
> was when I downloaded it a while back. I ran XPostFacto and installed
> Jaguar on a an 8600 with a 400 MHz G3 card. Yep, it's kind a slow, but I
> am going to make it into a server so the slow you wont really matter.
> ...Duane

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