[HM] Re: more speed

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Sat Dec 20 08:25:46 PST 2003

--- At Sat, 20 Dec 2003 07:58:32 -0500, TeeGate wrote:

>If am reading this correctly, you want to purchase a processor upgrade 
>card for 10.3. If this is correct don't do it. The reason is that 
>according to Apple's website, OSX does not support them. Here is the 
>text and the link.
>System Requirements for Panther
>Confirm that your hardware can run Mac OS X Version 10.3 Panther
>Mac OS X Version 10.3 requires a Macintosh with a PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 
>processor, built-in USB; at least 128MB of physical RAM and a built-in 
>display or a display connected to an Apple-supplied video card 
>supported by your computer. Mac OS X does not support processor upgrade 

I expect that this is basically FUD or CYA on Apple's part. There is a
huge third party processor upgrade market. The suppliers in that market
will make sure that their processors work just fine.

When in doubt be sure to contact the manufacturer and get a commitment
from them that it will work.


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