[HM] Re: Scrolling

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Mon Feb 10 12:12:23 PST 2003

--- At Mon, 10 Feb 2003 20:15:17 +0100, Richard Clark wrote:

>On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 08:08 PM, Bob Baron wrote:
>> Wow.  I really messed this one up.  What I meant to say was that when 
>> I try
>> and hi-lite many lines of text for cut and paste, the scrolling speeds 
>> up
>> and is uncontrollable.
>> iMac G4 - OS 9
>> Sorrby bout dat
>> Bob

That's much easier to understand. :-)

There are couple of solutions. Some programs have a throttle that the
farther out of the window the mouse is the faster it scrolls. If you keep
close to the edge of the area you are selecting it should go slower. Not
everyone does this, I dont think its part of the OS, but rather something
each program does.

The second thing you can do is shift-select. Click at the beginning of
what you want then use the scroll bars and scroll to where you want the
other end. Press shift and click. That should select everything in between.

Good luck.


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