[HM] Apple Cinema 23" connector.

Nevin Steindam thenevin at ameritech.net
Tue Feb 11 09:03:28 PST 2003

>I need Yr help. I want to buy an APPLE CINEMA DISPLAY however i have to
>connect the display to a PowerMac G4 and to a 2 portables. One is a PBTI
>however my problem is with a PC. Is it possible to connect a PC to an APPLE

There are adaptors out there that will break the ACD connector up into a
VGA port, a power line, and a USB line, or something like that.  I don't
know anything else, so you'd have to look around on your own.  Be warned
that they're fairly pricey, so make sure it will all be worth it before
buying the monitor.


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