[HM] Re: MP3

George Booth gbooth at sport.rr.com
Sun Feb 23 20:25:28 PST 2003

on 2/23/03 8:55 PM, Nevin Steindam at thenevin at ameritech.net wrote:
Thanks to everyone for help on editing audio. The best answer was from Nevin
as Audion did the job on my first try and I didn't even know what I was
doing. I just stopped the song at the end and had it cut off everything else
& it was perfect. Many Thanks. George
>> Quicktime pro will edit audio. There are other programs that will do it
>> for free.
> I use Audion (http://www.panic.com/audion).  Mainly because I prefer its
> interface over that of iTunes, but it also has decent tools for editing,
> etc.  You can open up a window representing a file's audio output
> (File->New MP3 Editor), and select sections of the song to
> play/delete/cut/copy/paste.  You can use that to clip out a corrupt ending
> of a song.
> Nevin
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