Hi, I wonder if anyone here can help: because of a big crash on my iMac recently, for the past week or so I have been using Outlook Express 5.02 for my mail on a friend's (much later version) iMac; in this, I have been creating a bunch of folders within the application and received a considerable quantity of mail, etc; on my broken machine, I use Outlook Express 4.5... now my own iMac is back in health, I need to export all the mail I have accumulated during the 'sick time' on my friend's iMac and import them back to my own. But, it seems OE 5 does not store individual mail folders in a 'OE Users' folder as in OE 4.5... I know I can Save individual messages and then import them individually into OE 4.5, but this will take forever. Can anyone help me solve this? cheers michaelP