Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Wed Jan 1 10:55:11 PST 2003

--- At Wed, 1 Jan 2003 02:53:28 -0600, Francine Mack wrote:

>I am receiving very small text when I accept HTML reader in the
>preferences of PowerMail 4.1. When I don't choose HTML reader, I get many
>strange symbols. Can I do anything about this problem?
>I have a Macintosh cube using OS 10.2.3 with 512 megs of memory.

I think that these are badly formatted HTML messages. The strange symbols
are probably just HTML (unless you know what HTML looks like, it can look
strange). When viewing HTML messages in PM, there is a button at the
bottom of the screen that looks like a world. This is a popup menu.
Select it and you can select to view the HTML or view in your browser.

As far as how the HTML looks, view it in your browser. If it looks
(basically) the same then I expect that its just the HTML. Unfortunately,
PM just uses the built-in HTML rendering system which is not all that
great. People format their HTML for Windows viewers which tend to use a
larger font so people format the HTML with smaller text. On a Macintosh
this makes the text look very small. You can increase the font size and I
think this might affect the HTML, but then your normal text display would
be very large as well.

I usually set HTML viewing to off as I dont really like HTML messages.
Depending on who it is from, I can decide to view it in PM, if it is from
another person where the message should have just been text, or I can
view it in a browser if it is from a company that probably has images etc.

A frustrating part of the HTML viewer is that it is not selectable. That
is you cant quote the message back to them. You have to:
1. View the message in a browser
2. Select the text to be quoted
3. Reply to the message
4. "Paste as quote" into the reply.
5. Add your reply.

Fortunately, I dont get many HTML messages.


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