[HM] MUGs Reflect on 2002

Jane Sprando janesprando at msn.com
Sat Jan 4 20:02:03 PST 2003

Lynn, this didn't work!

<<Use your browser's "Find" command to find and jump to content of

I am using Internet Explorer 5.1.

How else would I find these topics?
Off to San Fran... * A.P.P.L.E. celebrates 25 Years * MacGoogle * Recycle
programs * 17" iMac to cease production? * The best in freeware * IMHO *
Quotes * New Year Event


> From: news desk <news at aacug.org>
> Reply-To: "Home Macintosh Users List"<HomeMac at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
> Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 08:23:35 -0500
> To: "Home Macintosh Users List" <HomeMac at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
> Subject: [HM] MUGs Reflect on 2002
> I thought I would post this FYI because of its wide-spread
> interest to Mac users from all over.
> Lynn Wegley, the "MUG Info Manager" for Mac User Groups
> reflects on 2002...
> [Quote]
> In looking back over 2002, I've posted some collections of
> articles that I think are most enjoyable, or most beneficial
> for all Mac users, whether members of a user group or
> AACUG or not:
> * Favorite Quotes from 2002
> * 2002 Vendors of Note
> * 2002 Learning and Training Sites
> * 2002 Downloads and Resources
> * 2002 Gaming Info
> * 2002 Entertainment & Fun sites
> * 2002 iPod
> * My Humble Opinions from 2002
> Hope you enjoy them.
> at: http://www.user-groups.net/InfoManager/index.html
> pau
> [END Quote]
> The "InfoManager" is a weekly column, and discussion list
> co-hosted by the User Group Network, and AACUG. It's been
> published for Mac users, and Mac user group newsletter editors
> since 1997.
> This non-commercial, non-profit column, along with Fred Showker's
> "60-Second Window" (http://www.60-Seconds.com/articles/)
> are the longest continually running columns in the Macintosh
> user group community -- 60-Seconds no in its 150th monthly issue.
> If you're going to Macworld, find Dan Sailers or Lynn Wegley,
> usually hanging around the User Group Lounge and they'll give
> you a free copy of the MUG NEWS Macworld Edition. (Just ask
> at the Mug lounge, or at the Macworld Guides station...
> they'll know.
> :-)
> If you're not a member of a Macintosh User Group,
> you should be
> --------------------------------------------------------
> MUG "AACUG Mac User Guide"
> The official Monthly Newspaper from
> The Association of Apple Computer Users & Groups
> http://www.AACUG.org/
> a nonprofit organization by and for Mac Users
> --------------------------------------------------------

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