You didn't say what system you are running, but if I assume it's OSX, I have two suggestions. 1. Switch to Safari. It's incredibly fast. 2. Here's the IE explanation for it's cache settings. See if you can figure out what it means..I can't. Cache Once Per Session Checks for updated content only if you return to a Web page you visited in a previous Internet Explorer session. If the page has changed, Internet Explorer displays the newer version of the page and stores a copy in the cache. Never Displays Web pages you previously visited by downloading their content from the Web. Always Checks for updated content each time you return to a Web page. If the page has changed, Internet Explorer displays the newer version of the page and stores a copy in the cache. Greg McNeil wrote: > > Hi, > Why does a page containing a list of links (like eBay or MadFixIt) > always completely reload after using the back button to return from one > links to the main page? > > I'm not sure I described the very well so I will go thru it in steps. > I'm on a page which contains a list of links. I click one of the links > and view a new page. I click the back button but instead of just going > back to the list of links the page completely reloads. This is > especially annoying when the list of links contains lots of slow > loading information. Also annoying is the need to scroll from the top > of page to find the next link you want to view. > > Any ideas? > > Greg > > ---------- > Check out the HomeMac email list FAQ > > > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: <HomeMac-off at> > To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to <HomeMac-digest at> > Need help from a real person? Try. <HomeMac-request at> > > ---------- > Now shipping! Farallon Wireless SkyLINE PCI Card for Mac Desktops! > > > $14.99 Unlimited Nationwide Mac Dialup and Mac Web Hosting from your Mac ISP > Serious Mac Internet Solutions From NineWire! > > Monsoon | Flat panel speakers that deliver crisp, accurate sound! > Dr. Bott | <> > > Cyberian | Support this list when you buy at! > Outpost |