[HM] Printer advice

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Thu Jan 23 19:45:03 PST 2003

--- At Thu, 23 Jan 2003 19:07:21 -0800, Jane Sprando wrote:

>I am ready to buy a new iMac, but I am confused about which printer to get.
>I need your comments, opinions and advice.  Thanks.

I was doing a little research before Christmas on a new printer. We
decided against it (as developing digital pictures at Sam's Club seems to
be working fine). However, my present conclusion was the Epson 825. 

My basic criteria was a reasonable price with the potential to be
networkable. It also had to do borderless prints and work with OS X.
(Note there maybe a problem with borderless prints on OS X. I would
expect that to eventually be fixed.)

It has all the latest stuff as I recall.

If price is no object, then the Epson 2100 (or 2200 which ever is still
available) comes with very high recomedations. It's pricey but produces
excellant prints according to sources.


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