[HM] Re: Printer advice

Nevin Steindam thenevin at ameritech.net
Thu Jan 23 20:27:36 PST 2003

>I'll never buy another Epson.  The problems I experienced with the one
>I had sends my blood pressure sky high just thinking about.  Don't do
>it, don't do it.

It's worth noting that we've had discussions on Epson before.  A lot of
people (myself included) swore that they had had consistently bad
experiences with the brand and would never trust it again.  A lot of other
people said that they'd been using Epsons for years with no trouble.

I guess the trick is for you to decide which group of people you belong to.



(FWIW, my experiences all happened approximately during the 2000-2001
school year, when I had a college computer support job.  The college store
had sold only Epsons the year before, and I saw plenty of them break down
just as their one-year warranty expired.)

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