[HM] Re: Apple CD Audio Player

Nevin Steindam thenevin at ameritech.net
Wed Jan 29 09:42:17 PST 2003

>I did find that the Foreign File Access extension was turned off. After
>activating it and throwing away the Apple CD Audio Player preferences, I was
>able, one time, for the audio player to recognize the CD. It would not,
>however, play it, nor would the CD icon appear on the desktop.

Weird.  The CD did not appear on the desktop?  That's a more fundamental
part of the process than the recognization (is that a word?) by the CD
Player program.  If you insert a CD and wait for a while without that
program running, does anything happen?  I'd expect that the computer would
eventually either mount the disc on the desktop or give you an error about
it.  If neither happens, there's probably something messed up in the System.


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