[HM] decision time for portable mac

Florin Alexander Neumann alexn at ica.net
Tue Jun 3 08:31:00 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, Jun 3, 2003, at 11:06 Canada/Eastern, Denise wrote:

> why I may or may not want the Superdrive in whatever I decide
> to buy!

Ability to write DVDs. It's useful for (1) creating DVDs, (2) backing 
up without having to deal with 700MB limit of CD-R/RWs. You can do that 
with an external DVD writer, but it's more trouble to take it with you 
on the road. In most cases, I'd say get the Superdrive.

[Private rant: Why are Apple marketing mavens so feeble minded? The 
term Superdrive once described Apple's floppy drive (which could read 
Mac 800K and 1.44M floppies, as well as DOS 720K and 1.44M floppies). I 
believe it was also used by Apple for yet another drive. Can't they 
come up with something different, like "Superduperdrive" or 
"Superslowdrive"? Or do they hail from Hollywood?]


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